Saturday, October 3, 2009

Sarah Palin

I first heard about Sarah Palin in the summer of 2008. Her name was mentioned in conservative blogs and on as a possible VP contender. I was immediately interested, but it wasn't until Aug. 29, 2008, that my world changed forever.

My husband and I heard news on the radio that morning that Sarah Palin shortly would be announced as John McCain's running mate. I was shocked and thrilled. I started jumping around my house and turned on the TV.

We sat on our living room couch watching Sarah Palin give her announcement speech in Dayton, Ohio. It was pure joy. She thanked Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro for helping pave the way! She said the women of America aren't done yet. She spoke of fiscal restraint. She spoke of a ship in the harbor being safe, but that's not what ships are built for. She also spoke of having a servant's heart, and getting into government for the right reasons.

From that day on, I have been a Palin Zombie! I've blogged about her on the various websites, defended her from detractors, and pretty much given up housework to read everything I can about her! I spent most of my time on the Hillary Clinton Forum last fall where surprise, surprise, hundreds of other Democrats and former Democrats supported Sarah Palin.

I think Sarah would make a wonderful president. She's a mom. And more than that, she entered government service for the right reasons. We need her leadership, her integrity and her vision in Washington, D.C.

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